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    Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    Good Intentions Require Action to Achieve Our Goals

    I was reading my daily devotion today on the subject of intentions. I was immediately drawn to the title and felt it was speaking to me personally. Can you relate?

    We all have good intentions, dream about fulfilling them, but somehow they get pushed aside and forgotten. Well, not really forgotten, because they continue to dance across the pages of our thoughts. At least this is the case for me.

    Are you guilty of not following through on good intentions to make something happen? Starting that fitness program or promise to eat healthier? As I read further, I understood the importance of  writing down the intentions, to begin a plan and follow through with action.

    Moving from intention to action takes a plan. This applies in most everything in life from painting the house, spending more time with family, to adopting a healthy lifestyle. It's really staying true to taking care of the important things in life.

    What has helped me is setting up challenge systems where I complete three goals of intention for that day. Today I plan to get in a morning workout, help my ailing father to the doctor, and meet up with family later this evening for example.

    Another goal was writing this blog and I was stumped at what to share with you at first, but enlightened after reading my devotional. It's amazing how things happen like that.

    Having good intentions are great but remain thoughts until you put them into action. Goals to improve your health and fitness won't happen without effort. Follow-through is what will create better health, a fit body, and overall improved quality of life.

    Those things we think about all the time must come to the forefront of our actions. Has a family member or friend been on your mind to call?  Pick up the phone. Has date night with your spouse been put off for months? Time to bring on the romance. Are the intentions to exercise four times a week not happening? Get your calendar, schedule your workouts and don't cancel. Do you want to eat better at home and reduce dining out? Write a healthy food list and head to the store.

    Every active step we make is a step closer to fulfilling our goals and taking our intentions further than our minds. It's important not to get stuck in the 'thinking about it' process without any action. Good intentions only go so far and although they may sound good, living it out through our actions is what really counts.

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Remember to subscribe and never miss a free update.

    Be well and Stay Healthy


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